Thursday, October 13, 2011

My Research Thus Far

The first thing that I learned when beginning my research was that the only fact about sandwiches I had thought was an absolute was not accurate. The first line of Wikipedia proved that all that is required of a sandwich is ONE piece of bread. I had previously thought that a sandwich was really any filling between two pieces of bread. Apparently an open sandwich is one with filling on top of only one piece. Sandwiches have an interesting history, which does in fact involve the ‘Earl of Sandwich’, however, the term is very vague in that it has a massive amount of possibilities. History does not help me very much with my question and a lot of the information is redundant. I have begun looking into people’s basic preferences and through polls and such it appears that the Philadelphia Cheese Steak may come out on top. Ahead, tragically, of even my beloved BLT sandwich. Generally I need to know how to form my argument. Sandwiches are too broad and I really want to make an argument that is not common knowledge. The Philly Cheese Steak is certainly contested, however, and most information I am looking for are in polls. Therefore Encyclopedia Britannica and other sources like it are not  very good for my paper. I am having doubts as to whether this paper will actually be too basic and I am considering switching. Nothing is decided yet though!


  1. can i start off by saying that reading your blog is going to give me a seizure, you should consider changing the background. I really like your topic. It is funny, but also serious, and i think that you will be able to find a lot to write about. How much is there for you to research though? i feel like it might be hard to find many articles

  2. Sounds like a great idea, i agree with what Rachel said is there any article really to help, or are you using reviews from yelp or sites like that.

  3. It does not surprise me one bit that this is what you chose. You may want to looks at articles ab out peoples' opinions, or research that has been done...maybe food contests? Otherwise I think it's an interesting topic and am curious as to what you come up with.
